Sunday, 27 March 2011

ukranian gayboy bands are chic.

american ones are not.

sundays are chic.

sun sun sun.  
smoothies and coffee

red wine

knock-offs are not chic.

being who you are is chic.

mis-matched socks.. not chic.

the sartorialist is chic..


these people are those who document inspiration for me on the ground level: in living.

movers and shakers are chic.

we don't all change the world,
we don't all make our mark,
we aren't all of a passionate nature,

aliases are chic.

this evening at the L(i)c-B[o], I picked up a bottle of  Chateau de Courteillac, my new go-to staple wine, with the wife

asked what was for dinner by the clerk, on the spot, we preceded in quickly developing a series of quirks, habits and pet names as play husband and wife

.. to an avail of "Good for you guys!" as we left, bottle in hand.

play aliases are play chic.

in an attempt to budget, yet still making the best out of the weekend

wine out of plastic cups and men's JL sweaters.. chic.
(throwing away the budget to make the best of the time with friends.. also chic)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Thursday, 24 March 2011

fighting for what you believe in, until you can't fight anymore is chic.

living life in moderation.. chic.

self-control is,
addiction isn't.

but living life to its fullest nevertheless.

9:00 am

a goat cheese and pear scone was waiting for me
steamed vanilla soy milk with hazelnut coffee
a warm bed, while my best friend was sitting in the other room
pillow talk and rabbit fur slippers.

chic morning? irrelevant. just the best.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

ingrid is chic

independent lyricist
velvet tones
impossibly articulate

martha graham.. chic!

 carmen electra.. not so

erika neilly's photography : chic.

sylvia plath is chic.

from lady lazarus

"And I a smiling woman.
I am only thirty.
And like the cat I have nine times to die. 
Them unwrap me hand and foot
The big strip tease. 
Gentleman , ladies
These are my hands
My knees.
I may be skin and bone,
Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman.
The first time it happened I was ten.
It was an accident. 
Is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.
I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.
It's easy enough to do it in a cell.
It's easy enough to do it and stay put.
It's the theatrical 
Ash, ash
You poke and stir.
Flesh, bone, there is nothing there
And I eat men like air."

lemurs for ss11 are chic.

being literate is chic.

a man walked in to my store wearing a J.D Salinger shirt
I made a Holden joke
he stared at me blankly..

glee makes everything chic.

donatella, on chic.

barista 'staches are chic..?

elizabeth taylor, remembered and chic.

living life to its fullest. (February 27, 1932 - March 23, 2011)

those things that remind you of 'home are chic.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

unrequited love.. chic.

tommy ton.. also chic. (jakandjil)

exhaustion.. chic?

"crocheting kleenex box covers.. not chic. 

the play by michel tremblay where les belles soeurs crochet them, très chic!"

muskoka is chic.

I really don't go home often enough
but when I do..

drinks on the dock by noon (then later sleeping under the stars)

golf carts en route

strawberry picking



bike rides

patio lunches,

I miss it.

Monday, 21 March 2011

not taking yourself seriously in pictures is chic.

ed hardy wine is not chic.

banana milk is chic.

letting go..

"That is why it is so important to let certain things go. To release them. To cut loose. People need to understand that no one is playing with marked cards; sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don‘t expect to get anything back, don’t expect recognition for your efforts, don’t expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Complete the circle. Not out of pride, inability or arrogance, but simply because whatever it is no longer fits in your life. Close the door, change the record, clean the house, get rid of the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are."

paulo cohelo

not characterized as chic
but necessary.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

undelivered love letters are chic.

Je ne jouerai plus de jeux. Il n'y en a plus à jouer. Dans la mesure que l'on partage toutefois un amour qui nous est propre, je suis près à plonger. Submergeant et épaté, mon coeur bat d'autant plus fort quand on peut se voir, se parler, se toucher parfois. Je suis en amour flagrant avec l'homme de ma vie. Si j'y en perd, ce ne sera pas de mon tord. Donc pour ce qui reste, je voulais lui dire que je l'aime au fond de mon esprit. Les mots sont syllabes sans pouvoir et fin, car la fin en soi de l'amour ne peut s'exprimer que par une parole fortuite.

Je tâcherai ainsi, dans le verbe, de m'engager dans l'espoir de faire germer cet amour pour qu'il devienne tour efférente montante jusqu'au ciel clair parmi les milliers d'étoiles brulantes: petits brins de passions éclatants qui rédigent l'espace de l'univers. 

C'est comme s'il me manque une part de moi-même en ton absence, et cette part n'y reviendrai jamais que par ton sourire, ton regard et ta joie. Cet ainsi que dans le silence, je t'aime à de plus amples hauteurs, dans l'obscurité de ma peine, car c'est le nécessaire pour t'aimer jusqu'à la fin de mes forces.

Je t'aime.

tennessee williams is chic.

"I pass the lighted window of a shop where perfume is sold. The window is filled with pieces of colored glass, tiny transparent bottles in delicate colors, like bits of a shattered rainbow. Then all at once my sister touches my shoulder. I turn around and look into her eyes. Oh, Laura, Laura, I tried to leave you behind me, but I am more faithful than I intended to be! I reach for a cigarette, I cross the street, I run into the movies or a bar, I buy a drink, I speak to the nearest stranger — anything that can blow your candles out! — for nowadays the world is lit by lightning! Blow out your candles Laura — and so goodbye.”

rebecca black is..?

so are Fridays.

finishing your saturday evening on a crowded street with a kiss is chic.


the most produced grain in the world
almost every packaged food contains it (dextrose and fructose)

it's common

in our North-American culinary world, corn in and of itself is not chic

however, one, through creative ingenuity of recipe creates..

moreover, though foreign to most, some vegetables used in simile are inherently chic within themselves..

even seaweed

novelty wine corks are not chic.

last night, I sat at a diner faced with being the oldest person at the table
the rest were in rez

though it may seem that youth is naive, they were carefree, able to sleep off the mountains of cocktails ingested hours prior the following free morning

I, on the other hand, needed to squeeze out the next few hours of rest possible in order to serve the fashionable at work in the boutique the following Sunday

so which is it? chic care-free Sundays? or chic sleepless boutique jobs?

this weekend was magical (and a bit of a disaster, but we'll disregard that) 

friday we went out with our friends
spent hours in their beautiful apartment, drinking wonderful wine (alliterations are chic)

we danced with our beloved, our friends and each other.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

your bloggers.

new to chic

everything that is, could be, and never will be

a collaborative effort in deciphering quality in life

redefining chic: 

a lifestyle rather than a state of being

an appreciation rather than a pretension

a trade rather than a skill

a nuance rather than a description

a lacking-there-of rather than perfection

a kindess rather than an exclusion

together, we're in search of the beauty that is life:  the exquisite, the overwhelming, the bold, the sublime - the chic.